September 13, 2012: Uli Lorimer, curator of the native plant collection
at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, presented an overview of the
collection's expansion due for completion in 2013. The BBG will add 256
species in a Pine Barrens, meadow and bog setting adjacent to the rose
garden. Lorimer presented a brief history of the BBG's native plant
collection, an overview of the design process for the expansion and a
review of some of the plants, native to New Jersey and Long Island,
which will be added to the collection. Lorimer is the son of District I
Corresponding Secretary Freia Lorimer, who is a member of Paint Branch
Garden Club.
Freia & Uli Lorimer (above).
District I Director Danielle Brabazon (left) presented Hildegard "Dee" Droter with District I's Perennial Bloom Award for her longtime work in garden club. Droter was nominated by Tanta-Cove Garden Club. She is a former District I Director and its current ways and means chairman.