District Director Visits Tanta-Cove Garden Club

Fort Washington, MD, February 1, 2012: What a fabulous meeting the Tanta-Cove Garden Club held at the home of a club member! I was so thrilled to be included!

The program given by Landscape Designer, Cheryl Corson on Rain Gardens was extremely informative and she was a very energetic and fun speaker. She highly recommended the publication Rain Gardens Across Maryland! She also suggested a website to help determine which plants to include in a garden for attracting butterflies - remember they need plant hosts for the eggs as well as a food source and animals prefer multiples of the same plants!

As a even bigger bonus, the Tanta-Cove Garden Club held a Flower Show as well in different rooms of the hostess' house. The designs and horticulture were really inspiring! Here are just a few pictures of the many exhibits.

--Danielle Brabazon, District Director